What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool that provides a host of features to enable online communication. Spark4Kids has adopted Microsoft Teams as it’s platform of choice for running our online classrooms.

Do please get in touch with us if you have any questions regarding our use of teams – contact information is listed at the bottom of this page.



Overview of Teams and Channels

Learn about using Teams and Channels.



Working with others in Channels

Learn how to work with others within Channels. At Spark4Kids, we use channels as classrooms, with the channel name representing the name of the course that you will be registered onto.



Joining a Class Meeting (Channel)

???? Meeting Video ????


Creating Channel posts

Creating and formatting posts in a Channel.



Getting attention (from a Tutor) by raising your hand, or using @mentions

How do you get the attention of a tutor? Raise your hand, or use an @mention.

Raising Your Hand


Using an @ Mention



Finding files within Teams

Looking for your files in Teams? Here’s how to search for them.



Filtering your Activity Feed

Is your Activity Feed becoming too much to handle? Filter out what you don’t need to see.



Manage your Notification Settings

Getting too many notifications on your device? Update your notifications for peace of mind.



Join a Class on the go.

Away from your desktop? Attend a class from your tablet.